WRC 2003 Agenda Item Details

Agenda Item: Agenda 1.12
Resolution(s): Resolution 723
Description of work: Allocations to space science services for: 1) up to 3 MHz for telecommand for space research and space operations between 100 MHz and 1 GHz, 2) Upgrading allocation to space research in 7145 - 7235 MHz from footnote subject to coordination to full primary allocation, 3) review allocations to space research (deep space) and ISL in 32 - 32.3 GHz to facility operation of these services, 4) review existing allocations to space science near 15 GHz to accommodate wide band space - Earth space research applications
Lead Study Group:: SG 7
Working Parties: WP 4A, WP 6E, WP 7E, WP 8D, WP 9B
How Visualyse products can help: Visualyse can model all the services mentioned in this Resolution including space research, space operations, inter-satellite links and do sharing analysis between them.
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