Ian Flood
Ian Flood is an experienced engineer specialising in spectrum sharing studies and interference management problems.
Working for the Radiocommunications Agency and then Ofcom in the UK, Ian was responsible for the development of frequency assignment criteria for microwave fixed links.
Since joining Transfinite in 2013, Ian has worked on studies involving Wi-Fi, fixed links, satellite services and mobile services. Specific problems include adjacent channel compatibility between mobile and fixed satellite services, interference from terrestrial mobile networks into mobile satellite user links and the development of a mathematical method for precise service apportionment in spectrum sharing and compatibility studies. His work includes representation at various fora including within CEPT and ITU.
Ian is a Chartered Engineer and holds a PhD in graph-theoretic studies. He is a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the London Mathematical Society. He has published several peer reviewed journal papers and other articles on aspects of spectrum engineering.
Selected Publications:
Flood, I. & Bacon, D. (2006), Towards more spectrally efficient frequency assignment for microwave fixed links, Int. J. Mobile Network Design and Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 2, 147-152.
Flood, I. D., & Allen, S. M. (2012). The fixed links frequency assignment problem with equipment selection, Wireless Personal Communications, 71, 181–194.
Parker, J.R., Flood, I.D. & Carter, G.D. (2020), Adjacent channel compatibility between IMT and ubiquitous FSS Earth Stations in the 3.4-3.8 GHz frequency band, Wireless Networks.
Flood, I.D., Parker, J.R. & Carter, G.D. (2021), A spectrally efficient service apportionment method for sharing and compatibility studies, Wireless Networks.
Flood, I.D., Parker, J.R. & Carter, G.D. (2021), A mathematical approach to service apportionment, London Mathematical Society Newsletter, 495, 28-32.