The list below shows all the WRC 2027 Agenda Items for which this is one of the involved groups. Click on an Agenda Item or Resolution to get more information about which Visualyse product to use and how Transfinite consultants could assist in studying this problem.
Agenda Item |
Description |
Agenda Item 1.1 |
This agenda item relates to the technical and operational conditions for the use of parts of Q/V band for aeronautical or maritime Earth Stations in Motion (A-ESIMs and M-ESIMs), in particular 47.2 - 50.2 GHz and 50.4 - 51.4 GHz. Studies requested of the ITU-R include: - the spectrum needs and technical operational characteristics of A-ESIMs and M-ESIMS that would operate within the FSS in these bands
- sharing and compatibility between A-ESIMs and M-ESIMs and stations in primary service in these bands and passive services in adjacent bands
- other, regulatory related studies
WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.3 |
This agenda item relates to use of 51.4 - 52.4 GHz by gateway earth stations transmitting to non-GSO systems in the FSS. The ITU-R is invited to complete by WRC-27: - sharing and compatibility studies with existing services, including those in adjacent bands, to allow operation of non-GSO gateways in this band
- in particular, to consider the protection of EESS(passive) services and the conditions in Resolution 750
- studies of sharing and protection of radio astronomy observations in 51.4 - 54.25 GHz under 4.446
- studies regarding the protection of GSO FSS space stations from the emissions of non-GSO FSS gateway earth stations and possible inclusion of these bands in Resolutions 769 and Resolution 770
WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.6 |
This agenda item is to consider technical and regulatory measures for FSS networks/systems in the 37.5 - 42.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 42.5-43.5 GHz, 47.2-50.2 GHz and 50.4 0 51.4 GHz (Earth-to-space) for equitable access to these frequency bands The ITU-R is invited to study the technical and regulatory measures for FSS satellite networks/systems in these bands or portions of for equitable access while ensuring the protection of existing primary services in these bands and in adjacent bands taking into account the needs of developing countries: - without adversely affecting those services, specifically the operation of satellite networks and systems in those bands
- without changing measure to protect terrestrial services from unacceptable interference
WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.7 |
This agenda item is to consider studies on sharing and compatibility and develop technical conditions for use of IMT in the frequency bands 4.4 - 4.8 GHz, 7.125 - 8.4 GHz (or parts of) and 14.8 - 15.35 GHz taking into account existing primary services operating in those bands or adjacent frequency bands. The ITU-R is invited to study: 1. the technical, operational and regulatory issues pertaining to the possible use of the terrestrial component of IMT in these bands taking into account: - the evolving needs to meet emerging demand for IMT
- technical and operational characteristics of terrestrial IMT that would operate in these bands including the evolution of IMT through advances in technology and spectrally efficient techniques
- deployment scenarios envisaged for IMT systems and related requirements of balanced coverage and capacity
- the needs of developing countries
- the time-frame in which spectrum would be needed
2. sharing and compatibility studies with a view to ensuring the protection of services for which the band is allocated on primary basis including protection of stations operating in international waters or airspace which cannot be registered in the MIFR without imposing additional regulatory or technical constraints on these services and also on services in adjacent bands WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.8 |
This agenda item is to consider possible additional allocations to the radiolocation service (RLS) on a primary basis in the frequency range 231-275 GHz and possible new identifications for the radiolocation service applications in frequency bands in the frequency range 275 - 700 GHz for millimetric and sub-millimetric wave imaging systems. The ITU-R is invited to study: - technical and operational characteristics including protection criteria for receive-only and active millimetric and sub-millimetric wave RLS
- studies on globally harmonized spectrum for RLS
- sharing and compatibility studies (in-band and adjacent) for RLS and other services in the frequency range 231.5 - 275 GHz while ensuring protection for the current use and further development of the incumbent services allocated to this frequency range
- sharing and compatibility studies (in-band and adjacent band) for RLS applications with EESS(passive), space research service (passive) and RAS applications in the frequency range 275-700 GHz while maintaining protection for the passive service applications identified in No. 5.565
- sharing and compatibility studies (in-band and adjacent bands) for RLS applications with fixed service and land mobile service applications in the frequency range 275 - 450 GHz as identified in No. 5.564A
WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.10 |
This agenda item is to consider PFD and EIRP limits for inclusion in Article 21 for the FSS, MSS and BSS to protect fixed and mobile services in the frequency bands 71 - 76 GHz and 81 - 86 GHz. The ITU-R is invited to study PFD and EIRP limits to be included in Article 21 for FSS, MSS and BSS satellite services to protect current and planned fixed and mobile services in these frequency bands. WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.11 |
This agenda item is to consider the technical and operational issues and regulatory provisions for space-to-space links among GSO and non-GSO satellites in frequency bands 1 518 - 1 544 MHz, 1 545 - 1 559 MHz, 1 610 - 1 645.5 MHz, 1 646.5 - 1 660 MHz, 1 670 - 1 675 MHz and 2 483.5 - 2 500 MHz allocated to the MSS. The ITU-R is invited to: - study the technical and operational characteristics of different types of non-GSO space stations that operate or plan to operate space-to-space links with GSO networks in the frequency bands 1 626.5 - 1 645.5 MHz and 1 646.5 - 1 660 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 1 525 - 1 544 MHz and 1 545 - 1 559 MHz (space-to-Earth)
- study the technical and operational characteristics of different types of non-GSO space stations that operate or plan to operate space-to-space links with non-GSO systems or GSO networks in the frequency bands 1 610 - 1 626.5 MHz and 1 670 - 1 675 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 1 518 - 1 525 MHz, 1 613.8 - 1 626.5 and 2 483.5 - 2 500 MHz (space-to-Earth)
- study sharing and compatibility between space-to-space links in the cases described above with current and planned stations of the MSS, other existing primary services allocated in the same frequency bands, other existing primary services allocated in adjacent frequency bands and existing passive services allocated in adjacent frequency bands
- develop technical conditions and regulatory provisions for the operation of space-to-space links in these bands including MSS (space-to-space) allocations of the additional of inter-satellite service (ISS)
Space-to-space links should only operate in the same direction as existing MSS allocations. WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.12 |
This agenda item is to consider possible allocations to the MSS and possible regulatory actions in the frequency bands 1 427 - 1 432 MHz (space-to-Earth), 1 645.5 - 1 646.5 MHz (space-to-Earth)(Earth-to-space), 1 880 - 1 920 MHz (space-to-Earth)(Earth-to-space) and 2 010 - 2 025 MHz (space-to-Earth)(Earth-to-space) required for future development of low-date-rate non-GSO MSS. WRC-23 is invited to: - study the spectrum requirements, technical and operational characteristics and conditions for non-GSO low-data-rate MSS systems including mitigation techniques that would allow coexistence of these systems in the same frequency band
- study sharing and compatibility between the non-GSO low-data-rate MSS systems and the existing primary services operating in these and adjacent bands in order to ensure protection of existing services.
WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.13 |
This agenda item is to consider studies of a possible new allocation to the MSS for direct connectivity between space stations and IMT user equipment to complement terrestrial IMT network coverage. The ITU-R is invited to: - study possible allocations to the MSS in the frequency range between 694/698 MHz and 2.7 GHz taking into account IMT frequency arrangements addressed in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.1036.
- study spectrum requirements and on technical, operational and regulatory matters related to the implementation of MSS for direct connectivity to the IMT user equipment to complement the terrestrial IMT network coverage
- study sharing and compatibility between incumbent service, including in adjacent frequency bands, to ensure the their protection
- study possible technical and operational measures to ensure that stations in the MSS do not cause harmful interference or claim protection from, stations operating in the mobile service
WRC-27 is invited to consider the results of the above studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate. |
Agenda Item 1.15 |
This agenda item is consider studies on frequency-related matters, including possible new or modified space research service (space-to-space) allocations, for future development of communications on the lunar surface and between lunar orbit and the lunar surface. The ITU-R is invited to: - study the spectrum needs of systems in the SRS which may operate on the lunar surface or systems in lunar orbit communicating with systems on the lunar surface, in the frequency ranges:
- 390 - 406.1 MHz, 420 - 430 MHz and 440 - 450 MHz outside the shielded zone of the Moon (SZM)
- 2 400 - 2 690 MHz, 3 500 - 3 800 MHz, 5 150 - 5 725 MHz, 5 775 - 5 925 MHz, 7 190 - 7 235 MHz, 8 450 - 8 500 MHz and 25.25 - 28.35 GHz
- study the technical and operational characteristics as well as protection criteria of systems in the SRS that are planned for operation in the frequency bands above as well as protection criteria to be applied for the protection of the radio astronomy service (RAS) and SRS active and passive sensors on the lunar surface and in lunar orbit
- study the propagation considerations for lunar surface systems and lunar-orbiting systems operating in the frequencies above
- study sharing and compatibility related to systems in the SRS that are planned for operation in the frequency ranges above to ensure protection of radiocommunication services in these bands (SRS, FSS, BSS, ISS, EESS, ISM, fixed, mobile etc.) and in particular the RAS
- study potential new or modified frequency allocations and/or identifications to the SRS with appropriate regulatory provisions, for communications on the lunar surface or in lunar orbit communicating with systems on the lunar surface
- to study spectrum needs for lunar communications which may be needed for communications between the Earth, lunar-orbiting spacecraft and the lunar surface
- to study whether future radiocommunication systems in the vicinity of the Moon can be accommodated within existing SRS and whether the regulatory provisions described in the Radio Regulations are sufficient
With the exception of the last item, WRC-27 is invited to review the results of these studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate |
Agenda Item 1.17 |
This agenda item is to consider regulatory provisions for receive-only space weather sensors and their protection in the Radio Regulations, taking into account the results of ITU Radiocommunication Sector studies, in accordance with Resolution 682. The ITU-R is invited to: - study spectrum needs and appropriate protection criteria for receive-only space weather sensors, as well as system characteristics, as appropriate
- sharing and compatibility studies pertaining to potential new primary allocations to MetAids (space weather) in the frequency bands 27.5 - 28.0 MHz, 29.7 - 30.2 MHz, 32.3 - 32.6 MHz, 37.5 - 38.325 MHz, 73.0 - 74.6 MHz and 608 - 614 MHz for receive only sensors
- study possible regulatory provisions in the Radio Regulations to accommodate the possibility for an administration that desires to notify a receive-only space weather sensor station to be included in the MIFR
Any possible new primary MetAids (space weather) allocations shall not claim protection from, nor constrain the future development of, incumbent services in these frequency bands or adjacent frequency bands WRC-23 is invited to review the results of these studies and take necessary actions, as appropriate |