Interference Analysis: Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management

John Pahl, director at Transfinite has written a book on the topic of Interference Analysis: Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management. This is a comprehensive and unique all-in-one reference covering administrative and technical aspects of interference analysis within and between all the main types of radio systems.
The book is published by Wiley and can be purchased from their web site by clicking here.
Alternatively the book is also available from online stores such as Amazon or as an eBook from Amazon, the Apple store or Google Play.
Overview of the Book
The book describes how interference can be managed so that radio systems co-exist, without harmful mutual effects, within a finite amount of spectrum. This is timely in view of the increasing proliferation of wireless systems. It covers both the processes, such as regional or international coordination, as well as the engineering principles. Written by an author with extensive experience in the industry, it describes in detail the main methodologies for calculating or computing the interference between radio systems of the same type, and also between radio systems of different types. Written to appeal to both the novice and experienced alike, it introduces the topics to those with little knowledge of interference analysis, but goes into more advanced concepts such as derivation of interference thresholds, mitigation methods, net filter discrimination (NFD) calculations and Monte Carlo methodologies. The aim is to describe the field of interference analysis to help those interested to understand it better and it:
- Adopts a logical approach, progressing from motivation to fundamentals, elements of analysis, models, calculations, and verification, providing a unique all-in-one reference
- Blends narrative, detailed description, discussion and mathematical analysis including practical engineering calculations
- Describes how to calculate and assess interference within and between radio systems of all major categories (terrestrial fixed, mobile, broadcasting, navigation and satellite, both GSO and non-GSO), with worked examples and detailed explanations of the processes involved
Resource Files
A number of resource files are available to give readers additional information and these are provided below:
The book also includes examples generated using Visualyse GSO and Visualyse EPFD.
After printing the following errata have been noted:
- Page 10 et al, HCM stands for Harmonised Calculation Methodology
- In Equation 3-26 replace symbol “Tb” with “Ts”
- In Sections 3.5.4 and 3.5.5 plus Tables 3.13 and 7.25, replace "mS" with "ms"
- Replace Equation 3-79 with:
- In paragraph above Equation 3-106 replace “to the y-axis” with “to the x-axis”
- Replace Equation 3-146 with:
- Replace Equation 3-147 with:
- On page 115, replace "the affect of the J2" term with "the effect of the J2 term"
- Replace Equation 3-188 with:
- Table 3.16: the transmit power should be +10 dBW and the EIRP 46.9 dBW
- In Section 3.7.10, another method to merge azimuth and elevation gain slices is:
- In Table 4.9, note there is no specific maximum height above ground
- In Table 4.18, the frequency range should be 125 MHz ≤ f ≤ 15.5 GHz
- Replace Equation 5-32 with:
- Figure 5.18 title should read "Transmitter and Receiver Intermodulation"
- Example 5.17 should reference Example 5.16
- Page 257: C should be calculated using Gtx not G'tx
- Replace Equation 6.21 with:
- In Figure 6.52, box 9 text should read “External discussions”
- Exchange Figure 7.53 and Figure 7.54
- In Figures 7.59 and 7.60, replace “P.1564” with “P.1546”
- In Section 7.6.2, note that an analytic method to calculate α has been identified and documented in Recommendation ITU-R S.1503-3