WRC 2003 Agenda Item Details

Agenda Item: Agenda 1.5
Resolution(s): Resolution 736 (GT PLEN-2/1)
Description of work: Consideration of new allocations in the bands 5150 - 5725 MHz for RLANs, EESS (active) and radiolocation. 1) RLANs allocations in 5150-5350 & 5470-5725 MHz, 2) Region 3 Fixed Service allocation in 5250-5350 MH, 3) additional primary allocations to EESS in 5460-5570 MHz, 4) Possible upgrading of radiolocation in 5350-5650 MHz
Lead Study Group:: JTG 4-7-8-9
Working Parties: WP 4A, WP 7C, WP 8B, WP 8D, WP 9B, WP 9D, JTG 4-7-8-9
How Visualyse products can help: Visualyse can be used to analyse interference between RLAN devices and other services such as non-GSO MSS Feeder links and EESS (active). Can also analyse interference between EESS (active) and radiolocation and other services. Visualyse has been used to analyse interference between EESS (active) and MSS Feeder links within 4A and 7C, and also between RLANs and MSS Feeder links within 4A and 8A-9B.
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