WRC 2007 Agenda Item Details

Agenda Item: Resolution 89 [COM4/9]
Resolution(s): Resolution 89 [COM4/9]
Description of work: This resolution relates to the backlog in satellite filings, in particular for GSO systems. It identifies a number of areas where the process could be improved, and requests studies into the: i) development of more update to date software for the validation of electronic filings including information on the validation error messages ii) data elements, structure and database for Appendix 4 iii) development of software for the automation checking for compliance with Article 5
Lead Working Party(s): WP 4A
Involved Working Parties: WP 4A, WP 6S
How Visualyse products can help: Visualyse GSO can be used to support GSO to GSO coordination. Wanted systems can be defined or extracted from ITU-BR databases using the Appendix 4 structure, and then checks automatically performed with other GSO systems in the BR's databases including SRS and IFIC. This tool can be used by any administration or satellite operator to ease the coordination burden relating to the introduction of a GSO satellite system.
How Transfinite consultants can help: We can use our Visualyse GSO product to support you during GSO satellite coordinations, or prepare the paper work for a satellite filing. We have expertise in Article 5 and Appendix 4 that would allow us to support work under this resolution.
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