WRC 2007 Agenda Item Details

Agenda Item: Resolution 74
Resolution(s): Resolution 74
Description of work: This resolution covers the need for studies to keep up to date the method in Appendix 7 used in the coordination of earth stations.
Lead Working Party(s): 4-9S
Involved Working Parties: WP 3M, WP 4A, 4-9S
How Visualyse products can help: Visualyse Coordinate is our tool for the coordination of Earth Stations, and includes an implementation of the algorithms in Appendix 7 including modes 1 and 2 contours, reverse band, gso and non-gso earth stations, and the ability to interface with terrain and assignment databases for integrated detailed assessment.
How Transfinite consultants can help: We can use Visualyse Coordinate to assist you in the introduction of satellite earth stations. As experts in the algorithms in Appendix 7, we can also assist in its review and any possible revision at the ITU-R.
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