WRC 2007 Agenda Item Details

Agenda Item: Agenda 1.10
Resolution(s): (none)
Description of work: This agenda item relates to work for the review of the regulatory procedures and associated technical criteria of Appendix 30B, which relates to the allotment plan for GSO FSS systems. It does not cover action on the allotments, the existing systems or the assignments in Appendix 30B.
Lead Working Party(s): WP 4A
Involved Working Parties: WP 4A, 4-9S
How Visualyse products can help: Visualyse GSO can be used to support GSO to GSO coordination. Wanted systems can be defined or extracted from ITU-BR databases, and then checks automatically performed with other GSO systems in the BR's databases including SRS and IFIC. Study of general sharing issues, such as with other services including fixed service, can be undertaken using Visualyse Professional.
How Transfinite consultants can help: We can undertake studies including analysis of sharing under Appendix 30B, and identify suitable system characteristics and sharing criterias, and provide contributions and representation at relevant ITU-R Working Parties. We can use our Visualyse GSO product to support you during GSO satellite coordinations, or prepare the paper work for a satellite filing.
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