Lead Working Party for WRC 2012 Agenda Items

Where available, this table is based upon the output from CPM-11-01: however for some Resolutions this information is not available and we have used our judgement. Any further information from Study Group or Working Party chairman would be appreciated.

Select one of the following Working Parties:

WP 1A Spectrum engineering techniques
WP 1B Spectrum management methodologies and economic strategies
WP 1C Spectrum monitoring
WP 3J Propagation fundamentals
WP 3K Point-to-area propagation
WP 3L Ionospheric propagation and radio noise
WP 3M Point-to-point and Earth-space propagation
WP 4A Efficient orbit/spectrum utilization
WP 4B Systems, air interfaces, performance and availability objectives for FSS, BSS and MSS, including IP-based applications and satellite news gathering
WP 4C All mobile-satellite services and radiodetermination-satellite service
WP 5A Land mobile service excluding IMT; amateur and amateur-satellite service
WP 5B Maritime mobile service including Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS); aeronautical mobile service and radiodetermination service
WP 5C Fixed wireless systems; HF systems in the Fixed and Land Mobile Services
WP 5D IMT Systems
JTG 5-6 Studies on the use of the band 790-862 MHz by mobile applications and by other services
WP 6D Broadcasting delivery, excluding the RF system and spectrum aspects of the BSS
WP 6G Generation of broadcasting services, including technologies for content signal creation, production and quality control
WP 6X Generation of broadcasting services, including technologies for content signal creation, production and quality control
WP 7A Time signals and frequency standard emissions
WP 7B Space Radiocommunication Applications
WP 7C Remote Sensing Systems
WP 7D Radio astronomy